Feathered Friends.
SoL Criations is home to many feathered people. About half of the residents here are birds! Birds are intelligent and unique individuals who deserve the same care and respect that our other residents receive. Enjoy some photos of our bird friends for the time being, while we work on adding individual biographies for all of them!
Chickens are extremely intelligent, unique, and empathetic birds. They experience an enormous range of emotions and are even able to understand numerical concepts up to the number ten. They are descendants of one of the few species of animals who survived the asteroid collision that wiped out the dinosaurs! Their predecessors eventually evolved into the Red Jungle Fowl. These are the birds that humans took out the wild and domesticated and manipulated until they became today’s modern chickens.
Despite their extraordinary history, capacity for emotion, and intellectual abilities, chickens are unfortunately one of the most abused animals on earth. Billions of chickens are exploited and slaughtered every year in order to eat their bodies and their eggs. In this day and age it is completely unnecessary for humans to consume these animals or their waste at all, and it’s our hope that we will one day live in a world where chickens are cared for and respected in the way that we strive to treat them here at SoL.
Antonio was an “oops rooster” who was dumped in a park in Chicago, and was found by humans when he was trying to escape from a hawk attack. A network of activists was able to transport him to us and now he’s living his best life here at SoL. He is the patriarch and protector of his flock, and quite the ladies man. He is ever so sweet and we love having him here!
Quincy was a part of our original flock, years ago when we started a hobby farm. Since that time we have stopped using chickens for their eggs and see them now as the beautiful and unique individuals that they are. Thank you for helping to teach us, Quincy!
This is Zoey! She, along with Memphis and Nellie were rescued from a cock fighting operation. The hens used in these operations are kept in cramped conditions and usually used for breeding. We are happy that Zoey gets to live out the rest of her life as more than a means to an end!
Verna arrived at SoL with a few of her other flock-mates. Her former guardians unfortunately became unable to take care of them due to family medical issues.
Pua was one of the members of the flock who was surrendered due to family medical issues. Her and her friends have adapted very nicely to their lives here at SoL!
Meredith was another hen who came with the surrendered group. She is a super sweet girl!
Georgie was another owner surrender from a different situation. We have since stopped taking owner surrenders as they happen so frequently and we just don’t have the space. She has adjusted nicely and is a gentle and sweet girl.
Monica is one of the three hens who was rescued when an egg farm in Iowa closed due to the pandemic.
Rachel came from the egg farm closing as well. When they originally arrived to us, they were emaciated and extremely terrified. They have sense come out of their shells a bit!
Phoebe is the third chicken who came from the egg farm in Iowa. Her and her sisters are all such sweethearts!
Joey is the little blind roo who lives with Rachel, Monica and Phoebe. He was attacked by a predator at his old home (which is apparently why he lost his vision) and was no longer able to be kept safe there. We are so happy to have him, he’s such a gentle and sweet boy!
Lulu is the softest, sweetest chicken ever and is one of our original flock.
Jackie was one of the chickens who came here with Verna, Pua, Meredith, Ellie, Mellie, and Seven.
Ellie is one of the flock who came due to the owner surrender.
Mellie is the last who came due to the owner surrender with her flock of friends!
Nellie came with Zoey and Memphis from the cockfighting operation.
Memphis was one of the three who was rescued from the cock fighting operation. She is very curious and very fast! We love having her here!
Turkeys are extremely intelligent and social animals. They are community oriented and form extremely strong bonds and relationships. The home range of wild turkeys can extend up to 60,000 acres! This is a stark contrast from the cramped spaces allotted to turkeys who are raised within the agricultural industry. Turkeys raised for food are typically housed in dark, cramped sheds with hundreds or thousands of other turkeys. They are disfigured by farmers when they are young as to rid them of their natural defenses, such as the painful process of removing their toes/claws and beaks. Billions are killed every year for food, with 46 million of them killed for Thanksgiving in the United States alone. At SoL, our turkey friends will never have to worry about being exploited again.
Ducks are playful, social, and curious animals. The are aquatic birds, and water is a crucial part of their environment. In the wild ducks live in communities, where they get to raise their offspring and form close bonds and relationships with others. Their way of life is commonly interrupted by hunting and habitat destruction at the hands of humans. Additionally, many ducks are raised on farms and killed for their eggs, flesh and feathers. On these farms the ducks are generally housed in dark sheds, with no access to water in which they can swim. Being aquatic animals, the removal of water from their environment results in health problems, such as joint issues. At our sanctuary, our ducky friends always have access to water, companionship and love.
Geese are extremely intelligent and unique birds. They are very protective and loyal to those whom which they bond. In fact, geese mate for life, ie. they’re monogamous! Geese are unfortunately exploited in the animal agriculture industry as well. They are used for their flesh, feathers, and eggs. On smaller farms, they are commonly used to guard the property. Because they’re generally used for a purpose, rather than seen as the beautiful individuals they are, they are often abused and/or neglected. More times than not, veterinary care is not sought after in the event that the geese would need help, and many are forced to live with debilitating ailments or are discarded. The geese at our sanctuary have access to medical intervention in the event that they would need it, and will never be viewed as a commodity again.
Guinea Fowl.
Guinea fowl are typically used for tick and weed control on farms, as well as for their eggs and flesh. When we had initially started our alpaca farm, we acquired our guineas to use for tick control and then fell in love with them. They live their lives at SoL on their own terms and are the most independent of our residents.