Brenda is a full time guardian of the animals and of the sanctuary. Always sensitive and compassionate, Brenda spent years researching and educating herself in the ways of natural health, nutrition, conservation, spirituality, self-sufficiency, and animal advocacy. During her journey, she discovered the truth about animal agriculture and the devastation and suffering it causes the animals, the Earth, and our bodies. What she learned shattered her soul but at the same time brought about a personal awakening that was so strong, it changed her entire life and purpose. Through a broken heart came the vision of SoL Criations and the goal to share the alternative way of living with others.

    Brenda is a Certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. Trained under Dr. Will Tuttle in the philosophy and lifestyle of the World Peace Diet and Veganism. July, 2016

    Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, Completed (October, 2021), T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell